April 4, 2011

Worship: Part 2

Worship: Part 2

In my last blog I wrote about the meaning and definition of worship. I want to write about how I began thinking about this topic.

I was listening to some praise songs while writing my sermon last week when I found myself singing along with one of the songs (which is not unusual, and no one was around to hear me! J), when I realized something…these words are really shallow!

I began looking at some of our other more popular “worship” songs and found that, for the most part, this is true across the board. Our songs have become more of a recognition for words to a warm and fuzzy Jesus instead of a direct adoration of reverence and fear for the ONE who created us. This is not totally true across the board, per se, but more of a trend that I think we need to be very careful about.

When we offer up songs of praise to our Heavenly Father, our words should be a reverent respect of a God that is Omniscient, Omnipresent, Sustainer, and Creator…not our best buddy. Don’t get me wrong, God desires to be our friend…but He also desires to be our Father, which includes discipline and correction when necessary.

As we sing our songs of praise let us make sure we totally understand what we are singing, and make sure those words are being spoken to the God of the Bible…and nothing else.

Thanks for reading!

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