March 30, 2011

Worship: Part 1

Worship: Part 1

One of the most controversial topics in any church is worship. One group says we only sing songs with no music whatsoever, another group says piano and organ only, another group says only old hymns, another says mix it up, yet another says out with the old and in with the new.

So what is real worship anyway? I cannot find in any definition of the word worship anything about a song service. Worship is a lifestyle devoted to something. Worship is more about who you are than what you do. Think about it…when you say that was a good or bad worship service, what are you really saying? You are saying that you did or did not like that songs that particular Sunday. Have you noticed that some people are obsessed with different things…work, gambling, addictions, hobbies, etc…? That is what they worship. We have allowed satan an open door as the church to divide Christians based simply on preference.

We sometimes call the person on stage on Sunday morning the worship leader. Interesting, if worship is a lifestyle devoted to something, then how are they leading me in worship while in the church building? Worship is done outside the walls of the church. Just a thought.

Here are some observations about our church Sunday song service (if you really want to insert worship service, I guess I will let ya this once J):

1. The song service should reflect the diverse audience in the congregation – All hymns will alienate some, all contemporary will do the same. The church leaders should spend a great deal of time praying and communicating to establish a sense of trust in the congregation that all is done to make sure everyone’s spiritual (not emotional or felt needs) needs are met. This is where I have noticed some churches fail. Church leaders decide what is going to happen (with good intentions and in good faith, and even through lots of prayer), but fail to keep the congregation informed if the changes are a great shift in what they are used to.

2. The song or songs that meant a great deal to you may or may not do the same for everyone – The songs my parents grew up with are not the same ones that mean something to me today, and the songs that mean the most to me will not mean as much to my kids or grandkids. We must be ok with this.

3. Worship is a discipline of spiritual maturity – You are devoted to something…it’s guaranteed. Is it God? Does your relationship with God affect everything you do…at work, school, at home, raising your kids, dealing with others? Worship is a lifestyle devoted to something. Worship happens outside the church walls.

So, what is the point of this blog? The point is that one of the number one reasons a person leaves a church is the Sunday morning song service. This should not be. If the message of the songs we sing on Sunday morning are directing the individual to the throne of God, then the style or how it is sung is of secondary importance.

Thanks for reading, and as always I would love to hear your thoughts!

March 28, 2011

Living in your sweet spot

Serving in your “Sweet Spot”

Earlier this month my wife, Darla, was ordained as a deaconess at Mt. Gilead. I am so proud of her and her willingness to be used by God in this way. This level of commitment is only going to strengthen our family and our marriage, and I can’t wait!

January 12, 1997 is when I was ordained into Christian Ministry at Little Prairie Christian Church. I remember my friend, Danny Wolford, preached the ordination sermon and there were so many people there to celebrate this occasion in my life.

I remember when I was in Bible college and preparing to be in full-time youth ministry (I had done part time ministry from 1993-1997) having a set of goals and dreams that I wanted to accomplish in ministry. 1) I wanted to write a book, and 2) I wanted to be in a “mega church” youth ministry.

I sort of came to the realization a few years back that I was going to “settle” for being a youth minister in a small town in southern Illinois. This realization convicted me to the core. YOU NEVER “SETTLE” FOR WHAT GOD HAS CALLED YOU TO!

Southern Illinois and small town youth ministry is a different calling. The mindset and culture is different than big cities, metro areas, or inner-city…but people are the same wherever you go. I love where God has placed me and would not change it for anything. Here are some realizations I have come to over the years:

1) God calls you. God has a call on the lives of everyone and His call is on your life. God is depending on you to do something for Him, but it is up to you to answer that call.

2) Gods call is specific. If you look throughout scripture you will find that everyone that God called (Abraham, Moses, Samuel, etc…) had a call that was specific, whether it was to a specific place or people, God was clear in his vision for their lives. God is clear on what he wants to do in your life, too. I think sometimes we don’t hear or see Gods specific call on our life because we have something different in mind and we see what we want clearer than what God wants.

3) Gods call is life-changing. When you answer the call of God on your life to serve and minister where he wants you to be, and to the people he wants you to be with…then you are living in your sweet spot! There is nothing like a basketball hitting nothing but net, there is nothing like the sound of a baseball hitting just the right spot on the bat, and there is nothing like being exactly where God wants you to be doing just the thing God wants you to do!

Thanks for reading!