February 24, 2010


It seems here lately that a lot of people I know are dying from cancer. Lung cancer, brain cancer, breast cancer. The cancer battle knows no age. I have seen the very young, and the very old battle and fight this horrible illness we call cancer. I am sure that every person has had someone very close to them lose their battle with cancer. There is another type of cancer that, if gone untreated, is fatal...spiritually fatal.

Sin. This is the worst kind of cancer, because it affects the two most important parts of the body...the heart and the mind. Sin is simply disobedience to God's standards. Our sin begins in the heart. When our hearts are not right with God, satan has the full opportunity to begin to erode ourselves of what is true and godly. When the devil has our heart, he moves to the mind. If satan can get us thinking about other things than God and our relationship with Him, he has us. When satan has our heart and mind...we are slaves. That's right, John 8:34 says "Jesus replied, 'I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin'." Jesus said this in response to the Jews who asked how they can be set free since they have not been slaves to anyone. Slave to sin...how do we get freedom?

Romans 3:23 -- "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Acknowledge that you have sin in your life, that without God's help, you cannot control.

Romans 6:23 -- "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Realize that you deserve to be separated from God because of your sin, and accept that it is only through Jesus and his sacrifice that you have life.

Acts 2:38 -- "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Commit to change. Decide that you are going to live more for Christ and less for yourself. Be baptized...being immersed into Christ to signify the beginning of a new life. Receive the Holy Spirit after you are baptized so you can have God's Spirit with you so you can make good choices in the future.

Matthew 28:19-20 -- "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Our responsibility is to help others not to lose their battle spiritually of this cancer of sin. We mentor, evangelize, and teach others both verbally and by our actions who our Savior is.

Sin is a giant cancer. It affects the heart and the mind. The solution...to turn to Christ for your salvation so HE can take control of your heart and mind so you can be cancer free! Will you still sin...yes. Will you sin as much...depends on how much of your heart and mind you give the great cancer physician!


February 4, 2010


I just watched a news story about tracking your teenager. They were talking about using tracking devices that watch every move your child makes. There was even one family who spent money to put 5 (yep, that's five!) camera's in the car they drive so they always know what is going on! What? Are you kidding me?

Will our kids make wrong choices? Yes. Will they sin? Yes. Are we doing enough as parents to help them before they become teens to have the tools they need to make those positive choices? Parenting your teen begins when they are born. We set boundaries, we build trust, and we realize that there are times we must be the parent, and there are times we can be their friend. I have seen too many instances where teens and preteens are left to roam and do activities that they are not prepared to do. Dating at 16? What if they are not mature enough? So, what is the right age? The right age is however old they are to handle the responsibility. Driving with friends...same deal, when they are old enough to handle the responsibility. I am not a parenting expert by any means...my oldest is only 12, but I have been in youth ministry for over 15 years and I feel that helps me make choices in how I raise my kids...along with how I was raised.

So what is the secret to a good relationship with your teen and feel good about letting them go on their own and make their own choices? It all comes down to TRUST...mutual trust.

T -- Time. They may not acknowledge it...but kids want you to ask about their day. If you don't have time to talk to your son/daughter about their day...you need to cut some things to make time. This is a habit that must start young and always continue...you will always have a job, hobbies, etc...but you only have 18 years to mold and shape the person God gave you to specifically raise up to be great!

R -- Relationship with God. What are you doing to bring your son/daughter closer to Christ? Your teen needs to see you in church. Your teen needs to see you model the church the rest of the week even more!

U -- Unconditional Love. Your kids need to realize both verbally and non-verbally that they are loved, cherished, and valued. Especially from dads. If your kids don't hear this from both mom and dad often...they will hear it from someone else, and you probably won't like the results!

S -- Safety. Your kids also need to know that they are safe with you. They need to know you will protect them. They also need to know that you will be a safe person to communicate with. Open communication with your teen begins when they are young...but it's never too late to start.

Touch -- Teens need to have parents (yes, dads...even you!) that will hug them, give them a kiss, and verbally tell them that they are loved. Positive touch is valuable in building a lasting and trusting relationship with your kids.

Again, I'm not a parenting expert. I fail a lot. I also know that I love and value the relationship I have with my girls. We don't need tracking devices and video camera's to know where our kids are...we need parents being parents setting rules and boundaries with their kids. Trust...there is no other way!
