Well…it was not the news I was expecting in my wildest dreams. Darla and I laying down talking on a Wednesday night when she says the words few husbands want to hear…”I have something to tell you”. She didn't say it in a I’m-ticked-off tone and I had run through my mind the events of the last week or so and I thought I was pretty safe so I jokingly said “we are having a baby?” I laughed. She said yes then I really started laughing. I looked at her face and realized she was serious and I stopped laughing. Then we both started laughing.
November 16, 2010
Say what??
September 30, 2010
Daddy's Girl #1
It was not a good time. Darla had been having some issues and so I went with her to the Dr. in Evansville on a Wednesday in 1996. We had been married for a little over a year and had talked about having a child and made preparations for that to happen soon. Evidently soon was now because her issues were due to the fact that we were expecting our first child! We were elated to say the least and couldn't wait to tell the world!
I do not write this to brag about anything…because I, nor any other human, did anything. I write so you can know that God is still working today and wants to work in your life too. I realize He doesn’t answer all of our prayers the way we want him to, but that does not change his faithfulness and love for you. Give him a shot…you will so not be disappointed!
Thanks for reading and listening!
September 23, 2010
Get the most of your church's youth program
It’s been awhile! I haven’t written a blog in some time, apparently! Well…I am attempting to write one here today. Actually, I have been thinking about this issue for awhile, but am just now at a point where I have my thoughts completed to put on paper (I think! Ha)
Most church leaders would probably agree that a successful church has an effective youth/children’s program. But how can you, as a parent, make sure your son/daughter gets the most out of what your church offers?
1. Support with your time – Contrary to what you may think, most kids don’t mind if their parents are involved in some way in the youth ministry. Whether it is volunteering to help with crowd control, serve snacks, clean up or set up, or go on a trip there is a sense of connection that helps them see that you value what is important to them.
2. Know what is going on – For the most part, gone are the days of a youth group being a bunch of food and fun and games with a 10-minute “devotion” and call it church. Youth ministries have “grown up” and realized that if they are going to train the next elders, deacons, missionaries, and senior ministers that they must lay a solid foundation in their ministries to help make that happen. Realize that most of the time you see the fun and crazy stuff that happens at the beginning of a service and at the end of the service, then your kid only talks about the silly game or crazy fun that they had. Did you ask what the lesson was about? Do you ask what adults they are connecting with? Those are important questions to ask each and every week your child attends. Sometime stick around and hang out and observe what happens at a typical Sunday, Wednesday or small group Bible Study that your child attends.
** As a side note…if your church’s youth program is not serving your child spiritually, talk to your youth pastor, senior pastor, or church leaders about it. A youth program must have the focus on your kids relationship with God, not just entertainment…it’s just that important! **
June 28, 2010
What's The Point?
Why do I have to go to church? Do I have to go to church to go to heaven? These and other questions similar have been asked for centuries, and will probably still be asked until the day Jesus returns! I intend to offer my two cents worth into the age old debate on what is the point of church. I would like to take a moment or two and answer the two above questions…
Why do I have to go to church?
1) It’s a Commandment – Hebrews 10:25: “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” The writer of Hebrews is in the middle of encouraging the Christians to not leave their faith. He had talked to them about persevering, having confidence before God because of their relationship with Him, about having a clear conscience before God, and about how Christians are to encourage one another. We go to church, not for ourselves, but for each other. When we get together as a church it is a family. When you miss out on your family, you miss out on everything that really matters…spiritual connectedness.
2) It’s what Jesus is all about –
“They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:42-47
“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need.” Acts 4:32-35
Obviously if Jesus was going to give the disciples the Holy Spirit, and that Spirit was going to work so quickly to make an impact on the world…Jesus must have seen it as important. The ministry of Jesus is solely dependent on one thing—the church. The body of Christ is what Jesus has given to carry out HIS mission, to seek and save the lost. What we do in the church is to encourage and strengthen one another toward that end. We do this through fellowship, discipleship, serving others, and growing closer to Christ—and each other.
Do I have to go to church to go to heaven?
May 19, 2010
Why People Leave Church...and what to do about it
Why People Leave Church…and what to do about it
What is church? Contrary to popular belief, the church is not those with whom you sit next to on Sunday morning. Church is the total body of believers all around the world. Red, yellow, black and white…United States, Africa, Europe, Middle East. Wherever there are believers in Jesus, they are your brothers and sisters in Christ…like it or not. When you really think about that, it should put into perspective what goes on at your church. Why are there so many denominations? Why do people jump from one church to another? Why do people not want to attend church? I believe it really comes down to three basic areas discussed below. This is not only about people leaving churches; it is also about why people decide to not attend at all.
“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17:20-21
Personality Conflicts – This is the devil’s favorite one. If satan can cause division in the church body, he will…and he wins! There will always be personality conflicts wherever you go or wherever you are, it is just simply unavoidable. Remember, churches and its people are not perfect…that is why they are in church! The reason a church is considered a family is because there are all different types of people that make up the church…social classes, personality types, age levels, etc… Church is about being involved in the life of the body, not only getting along with everyone. When you are serving alongside someone, it is more difficult to have conflicts. It is simply not reasonable to think that in a church of even 75 people that you will be able to be pals with everyone in attendance.
ü Find the ones you do have things in common with and blend with them…not as a clique, but rather as a small group that you can serve, share, and encourage with.
ü Do your best to understand and love those you have conflicts with, realizing that with those personality types they can reach people you cannot, just like with your personality you can reach people they cannot.
Biblical Conflicts – This is, unfortunately, a less common reason that people leave the church. It seems that people want the church with the latest worship style, shortest sermon, most active youth and children’s ministry, cleanest nursery, or one that makes them feel good, without taking into consideration whether or not a particular church is in line with what they personally believe about such things like salvation, eternity, communion, authority of scripture, sin, etc… While all those above listed things are important, the decision of where to attend church should be based almost exclusively on where that congregation stands scripturally.
ü Ask your church about its beliefs
ü Decide what beliefs you have are “non-negotiable” for you, and which ones you could live with without compromising scripture.
Past vs. Future – The “young people” want contemporary worship while the “older people” want hymns. The “young people” want a multi-purpose building for fun activities and get-togethers while the “older people” think those things are unnecessary and too costly. The battle lines are formed because neither side has the desire to compromise or see the other person’s point of view. In no other area of business or worldly work place is the generational gap wider than in the church…how sad! Two things need to be realized before I go any further. 1) Young people need to realize that the older generation has put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into the physical church, and that needs to be respected and elevated. While this current generation desires growth and outreach, the previous generation desired the same thing…just in a different way. 2) Older people need to realize that what led them to Christ is not necessarily what is going to lead this generation to Christ.
What to do about it…
ü Realize that both generations have ideas to bring people to know Jesus, there has to be give and take
ü Create times during the year where generations mix and learn from each other.
ü Pray for each other
So what if you are thinking about leaving your church, or if you have already left?
2. If you had disagreements…did you follow Matthew chapter 18 and discuss the situation in love?
3. Have you prayed?
4. Ask yourself…
Ø Was I oversensitive about an issue?
Ø Did I get involved and try to be a part of the solution to the problem?
Ø Is leaving and going somewhere else to church really going to solve my issues?
Ø What will I do when I find issues at the next church?
5. Have you prayed?
“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.” Acts 4:32
What if you don’t attend church…why should you?
2. For community – You were not meant to go through life alone. Everyone needs people around them for encouragement and support during the good and bad times of life.
3. It is scriptural
2. Pick one that you can get involved with…we are not commanded to simply attend, but to serve and minister
3. Pick one that your whole family agrees with…families must worship and serve together as a unit